
A Chemical Orthodoxy

Schools, Science and Education


teaching and learning

Challenge beyond Bloom’s

What makes one question hard and another one easy? When I trained, Bloom's taxonomy was everywhere. Personally, I haven't really paid it much attention in quite a while, but I was reminded recently that it is still used extensively in... Continue Reading →

What to do after a mock? Assessment, sampling, inferences and more

A common question in the #CogSciSci email group is what to do after students have done an assessment or a mock. Most commonly, people spend a lesson "going over" the paper, where the teacher goes through each question and students make... Continue Reading →

Thinking, Pairing and Sharing – good use of time?

I was recently discussing the use of a Think, Pair, Share (TPS) with a colleague. It does what it says on the tin: you pose a question or a text and have students first think about it, then pair up... Continue Reading →

The generic and the disciplinary: finding a balance

Yesterday, I posted a blog arguing that "teaching and learning" is dead. It generated some really fascinating conversations online, and I wanted to pick up on something a couple of people raised: it may be the case that curriculum comes... Continue Reading →

Teaching and Learning is Dead

We've all been there: formal observation with a non-specialist. Being told that our AfL was sub-par, that our activities weren't engaging enough, that we hadn't appropriately differentiated for SEN, EAL, PP, G&T, HPA, LPA etc etc. It's incredibly frustrating to... Continue Reading →

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