For the first time in a few years, I have had the chance this year to work on my booklets for AQA GCSE Chemistry. Everything I have done so far is linked below. Old and other resources can be found here. A few things to note:

  1. They are my booklets that I wrote to support my teaching and the teaching of our department. They are not designed to be magic catch-alls that are suitable for every school and every department and every teacher.
  2. Booklets in and of themselves are not magic bullets. They are not guaranteed to improve anything, and are part of a wider approach to Teaching and Learning and curriculum in science.
  3. You can see a bit of how I use them here, or a more detailed treatment here.
  4. You can read a good blog about booklets here, and more about how they are built here
  5. I have some updates coming soon with more resources for KS4 and KS3 (all sciences). If you’d like me to keep you posted on that (and nothing else) pop your email address here.
  6. The booklets are freely given and I expect nothing in return. If despite that you are desperate to say “thank you” then click here
  7. Obviously, I would prefer it if you didn’t edit them and pass them off as your own. You are welcome to use them and change them etc, but if you want to then re-share them beyond your department I’d be grateful if you could attribute properly.
  8. Please let me know asap if you spot any errors. It’s inevitable.
  9. They are designed to run alongside Carousel quizzes, and you can find my updated bank on core content here, calculations here and required practicals here.

Standard resources – paper 1

Standard resources – paper 2 new booklets coming soon, old booklets here

“Bare necessities resources”

These resources are designed as a quick overview of each paper. They have heavily simplified the course.